It's The Write Stuff
Authors and Publishers:
Congratulations on your book! We are delighted that you are considering having us review your book. Please take a moment to read the review policy in order to streamline the process. Thank you!
Please note: If we have previously edited or proofread your book, we will respectfully refuse to review it, as we feel that this is a conflict of interest. We will recommend another reviewer to you.
Requesting a review:
In order to request a review, please email us with the request at: itsthewritestuff@gmail.com. The author or publisher requesting the review will have to provide a copy of the book to be reviewed at their expense. We accept physical book copies, as well as e-book copies. Please let us know which format you will be sending, when you contact us for a review. As of right now, none of the reviewers have a Nook, so all electronic copies will have to be for the Kindle.
Our Preferred Genre Choices:
They are listed in alphabetical order and not by preference. Please contact us if you don’t see your genre here, so that we may discuss it.
- African American Christian Fiction
- African American Fiction
- African American Romance
- Biographies & Memoirs
- Chick Lit
- Children's Books (age range 5 and up)
- Christian Fiction
- Contemporary Adult Romance
- Contemporary Fiction
- Erotica
- Historical Fiction
- Inspirational &Self-Help
- Mysteries, Suspense & Thrillers
- New Adult
- Romance
- Urban Fiction
- Women’s Fiction
- Young Adult
Our Reviewers:
We have a team of reviewers who love to read, and are delighted to write a review for your book. At this time, we are also happy to announce that we currently have added a few children to our team of reviewers. Their age range is 5 - 12, and they are excited to be a part of the team. If you have children's books for review, we'd welcome them.
Our Reviews:
Our reviews are based on the reviewer's point of view. We will not sugar coat or misrepresent our opinions. We will provide an honest and respectable review. If you feel you can’t handle honest and constructive reviews, please do not request us to review your book.
Authors & Publishers:
We are delighted to read and review your book. As of right now, we have ARC’s (advanced reading copies) from authors and publishing companies, past author submissions, along with our own personal reads. Please understand that we read by order of the submission, not the date of publication, so we will not be able to “move” you to the front of the list. Currently, our turnaround time is 6 - 8 weeks. Our reviews are posted on Amazon, Goodreads, Facebook, Instagram, and on Twitter.
Rating System for our reviews:
5 stars
Excellent book: Reviewer couldn’t put it down and highly recommends!
4 stars
Enjoyed book: Reviewer recommends!
3 stars
Average book: Reviewer enjoyed it, but had a few issues with the book, such as editing, formatting, or structure. (If the book is an ARC, or proof, it is understood by the reviewer that this is not a final draft, and will be treated accordingly.) If this is a published book, the editing, grammar, format, and structure, will be taken into consideration.
2 stars
Below average book: Reviewer feels strongly that it needs work.
1 star
Reviewer can’t or doesn’t recommend this book.
*Please note* If your book has sensitive triggers, such as rape, child abuse, child murder, etc., please let us know up front, as we have may have reviewers who are sensitive to those subjects. Thank you in advance.